Changmao Biochemical Engineering CO.,LTD
Name:Changmao Biochemical Engineering CO.,LTD
Tel:86 (519) 85776820 85776811
Fax:86 (519) 85776803
Products detail
Product Name: DL-Potassium Bitartrate
CAS No: 868-14-4
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Carboxylic acids
Product spec: 99.0% ~ 101.0%
Packing: 25kg net in kraft/plastic bag lined with PE bag
Post Time: 2010-11-24
Usage: It can be used as capacity analysis,buffer,reductant,leavening agent in food industy and cream of Tatar in chiffon cake.
Description: White crystalline granules or powder,with a cooling acid taste
Recipient: Mr. Gao Liang Company: Changmao Biochemical Engineering CO.,LTD
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